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標題: 求救!線性代數的方程式有解無解情況討論的問題 [打印本頁]

作者: HSH    時間: 2008-10-11 17:13     標題: 求救!線性代數的方程式有解無解情況討論的問題


(1)If b屬於C(A) then the linear equation Ax=b is solvable.[A是矩陣,C(A)是A的Column space)
(3)If one is solving 4 linear non-homogeneous equations involvibg 5 unknowns, there will aways be infinitely many solutions.

(4)If one is solving 4 linear non-homogeneous equations involvibg 4 unknowns, there will aways have unique solution.
(6)Four linear homogeneous equations involving 3 unknowns always have solution.
(5)If one is solving 6 linear non-homogeneous equations involvibg 4 unknowns, usually (means full rank case) there will be many solutions, but occasionally (means not in the case of full rank) there will be one or no solutions.

[自解]錯。在非full rank的情況下,只可能出現無限多解或無解,不可能有唯一解
(8)The zero solution is always a solution to homogeneous linear equations, and sometimes can be the solution to non-homogeneous linear equations.

作者: HSH    時間: 2008-10-14 21:31


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