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標題: [Lisp] The programming language LISP is not well suited for today's needs [打印本頁]

作者: weiye    時間: 2006-11-15 14:21     標題: [Lisp] The programming language LISP is not well suited for today's needs

在 看到 The programming language LISP is not well suited for today's needs

A very interesting rant and discussion about the problems of LISP and it's ecosystem. As you know, LISP has been hyped up a lot recently due to Paul Graham and the people supporting him.


用不用 Lisp ,青菜蘿蔔,各有所好,就跟用不用 Ruby, Java, Pyhton, PHP, Forth, Pascal, ... 一樣,喜歡就好。

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